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Special Offers for Dance Classes

We brought quality and strong dance experience around the World to Dubai! Our team of dance instructors ready to share with you their passion of the dancing, knowledge and experience for a private and group dance classes, to brink to you all the energy from all the dance movements!

For adults taking dance lessons is an excellent and healthy way to spend your time, not to mention challenging, stimulating and fun all at the same time.

For couples you can dedicate some quality time together, dancing/dance class is something you can enjoy and learn together, it is fun and relaxing for both, not to mention useful for every social occasion.

For children dancing is a beautiful gift given from parent to child, proven to be beneficial in everyway, it is a long standing classical tradition, a physical sport, mental educational and fun at the same time.

Today every single important social event involves dancing, whether it is part of a wedding, a birthday party, a night out or a presentation of a new product. Maybe you never considered the idea of setting foot on a dance floor or being a dancer, but we believe you can!

Just feel free and allow yourself to have some fun and start dancing today!

Personal Offers

Personal offers and discounts are available for everybody who want to sign up and join our dance lessons.

Wedding Dance Package

Discounts on our Wedding Dance Program
Amount of the lessons in the package Discount
5 Dance Lessons + 4 Practice Sessions10% off
10 Dance Lessons + 4 Practice Sessions15% off
15 Dance Lessons + 4 Practice Sessions20% off
21 Dance Lessons + 8 Practice Sessions25% off

Click here to get your wedding package discount!

Special offer VIP for dance lessons banner

Unlimited VIP Individual Dance Packages

Type of VIP membership Number of lessons Days and Timings
BronzeUnlimitedWeekdays: From 12:00pm till 03:00pm
SilverUnlimitedWeekdays: From 12:00pm till 06:00pm
GoldUnlimitedWeekdays: 01:00pm till 09:00pm; Weekends: 10:00am till 06:00pm

Seasonal Discounts

Seasonal discounts have fixed time offers, please, check the validation date specified or contact us for more information.

  • Visit 4 practice sessions during September and get 1 complementary individual dance class.
  • Buy any ordinary dance package and get your complementary individual dance classes
  • 800AED – 4 individual dance classes last 45min each.
  • Make all your payments on time for any regular individual dance package from October and get your 4 complementary dance classes
  • 1+1=3, book your 2 individual dance classes in advance and get 3rd one free of charge.
  • Bring and enroll your friend for an individual dance class and get 5 complementary dance lessons.
  • Christmas time! Buy any regular dance program on the day of the first individual trial dance lesson and get 10% off.
  • Buy 2 exciting Christmas and New Year individual dance class gift certificates for you and your loved one only for 500AED.
  • Buy any new individual dance program and get 12% off in the last month of the 2016 year.
  • 151 + 21! Buy 151 individual dance classes and get 21 complementary individual dance lessons!
  • 600AED – 4 Individual dance classes last 30min each.
  • Use 20 individual classes per month and get 3 complementary private classes.

Corporate Discounts

Corporate discounts are available only for members (employees) of the following companies:

Be a member of Emirates Airlines and enjoy a special discount for our dance classes!

As a member of Standard Chartered staff you can enjoy a special discount for our dance classes!

As a member of HSBC staff you can enjoy a special discount for our dance lessons!

As a member of Shell staff you can enjoy a special discount for our dance lessons!

As a member of Citibank staff you can enjoy a special discount for our dance lessons!

Expo 2020 Dubai

Expo 2020 Dubai Special Offer

Special offer for attendees of Expo 2020 Dubai. Terms and conditions apply. Read more.

Contact Us

Sign up for your first dance lesson!

Call us 04 552 01 53

Chat via Whatsapp

Submit your question online

Map, print, driving directions, etc.


  • Barsha Heights (formerly TECOM), Grosvenor Business Tower
  • 23rd floor, Studio 1504
  • P.O. Box: 391484, Dubai, UAE

Working hours:

  • Tuesday to Friday from 01:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Mondays off